How to get gun license (firearm license) in Bihar?
Arms Act of 1959 allows citizens of India to get Non-Prohibited Bore (NPB) guns. NPB licenses can be issued to anyone of Indian Nationality who can claim a licensee status under the following:
- Self Defence - Individuals who could be prone to being attacked for reasons including being wealthy, being under threat, etc.
- General Security - which includes the provision of security for Banks, Institutions, etc. This can also cover the gunmen and protection squad of VVIPs and politicians.
- Crop Protection - Those who have agricultural or similar lands which need protection from Non-Scheduled pests and vermin, like boars, etc.
- Sports Shooting - Those under sports shooting discipline who need guns for sports purposes.
- Returning NRI - Any Indian who is returning to India and has owned a gun in his foreign residence for over 2 years, can apply for an Indian license and bring back the gun they owned abroad.
- Foreign National Status - Any foreign National is allowed to own and bear arms for a maximum period of 6 months during their stay in Bihar, given valid reasons.
Eligibility Criteria to get gun license (firearm license) in Bihar
The following are the eligibility criteria for getting gun license in Bihar.
- The applicant should not have any past records of any kind of criminal activity. Police will gather a lot of information about the applicant such as asking the people in the surroundings or neighborhood if they see any kind of malicious treatment or if they have seen the person getting involved in fights due to anger or burst out.
- An interview will be conducted with the applicant to check if the person is mentally or physically ill or not.
Documents Required to get gun license (firearm license) in Bihar
The following are the documents required for getting gun license in Bihar.
- Two passport size copies of the latest photograph of the applicant (in white background):- to be submitted at the time of appointment
- Proof of date of birth
- Proof of identification -Aadhar Card or in case the applicant does not have Aadhar Card, a written declaration to be submitted in the form of an Affidavit along with an alternative identification proof which may include-Passport;Voter identification Card, PAN Card or Identity Card issued to the employees.
- Residence Proof: In case the applicant does not possess Aadhar Card or Passport, which may include Voter ID Card or Electircity bill or Landline telephone bill or Rent deed or Lease deed or property documents or any other documents to the setisfaction of the Licensing Athority.
- Firearm training certificate in form S-1 (whenever made applicable by the Central Government by passing a general or special order);
- Safe use and storage of firearms undertaking in(Form S-2).
- Self attested copies of the educational and professional qualification certificates from professional category applicants as specified in clause (a) of sub-rule (3) of rule 12 of the Arms Rules, 2016.
- Medical certificates about mental health and physical fitness in form S-3, issued by a registered MBBS Doctor on prescribed proforma.
- Self attested copy of the proof of date of birth (e.g. Matriculation certificate or School leaving certificate, Passport etc).
- in case of protection for destruction of wild animals which do injury to human beings or cattle and damage to crops, permit from the authority empowered under the Wild Life (Protection ) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).
How to apply for a gun license (firearm license) in Bihar?
The applicant should clearly mention the purpose(s) for which the licence is required; such as use, self protection, acquisition, possession, carrying, sport, display, destruction of wild animals which cause injury to human beings or cattle and damage to crops etc. as per the category of licence applied (Form II, III or IV).
Instructions for filing gun license (firearm license)
- Before applying online, keep the scanned copy of every required documents in pdf format (each pdf not exceeding 1 mb) and photograph in JPG format ( each JPG not exceeding 50 KB).
- After successful online registration of the application, upload the photograph and take the printout of the application. The signed application form along with the required documents are to be submitted in the concerned issuing authority for want of processing.
- Please note your online registration number for record and future reference.
- Concealing any material facts and/ or submitting false information will lead to cancellation of such application.
Follow the below steps to apply for gun license in Bihar.
- Visit Arms License Online website.
- Click on Apply Online.
- Click on Apply Here.
- Select State Home Department/DM/SDM/Other/MHA.
- Fill the category of application (Manufacturer, Individual, Institution, Sports, Dealer)
- Select State, District.
- Enter the basic details about the applicant like name, address etc.
Once the application is submitted, following activities will be carried out.
- Police will do the necessary due diligence to check the background of the applicant.
- Once it is cleared, police will send the reports to both the crime branch and the national crime record bureau.
- The report will be sent to the respective commissioner of Police. If the report is satisfactory and the applicant is considered, the license will be granted.
- After getting the gun license, the applicant has to contact the dealer for the procurement of the gun. For this, the customer will have to book a pre-order to get the gun from any licensed shop of their choice.
Documents required for getting the gun from licensed shop
The following documents are required for getting the gun from the licensed shop.
- Issued license with valid date and place and should be either in English or in Hindi.
- A photocopy of the Gun license.
- One copy of the NOC for the factory owner and one copy of the NOC for Police authorities. NOC is the No Objection Certificate(in case if the gun license is valid across India then, there is no need to provide with NOC certificate).
- There is also a need for a transport license of the place where the factory is located.
- One cannot issue letters just on the basis of the authorities but, the delivery can be permitted to the retainer only on the behalf of the customer. Now, this also requires some additional information including the name of the retainer along with the passport size picture and an authority letter signed by the retainer himself.
Track Status of gun license (firearm license) in Bihar
Follow the below steps to track the status of your Gun license.
- Visit Online Arms License website.
- Click on Application Status.
- Enter the Application Number followed by Application Date/Date of Birth.
- Enter the code.
- Click on Submit.
How to apply for renewal of gun license (firearm license) in Bihar ?
Follow the below steps to apply for the renewal of the gun license in Bihar.
- Application for renewal of Arms License in the specified format should be submitted one month before the date of expiry of arms license
- Apply for renewal from Arms License website.
- The licensee should produce his/her firearm and license for inspection at the time of renewal and pay the renewal fees.
- If the Licensee is a senior citizen, the competent authority may verify physical fitness and mental alertness.
- Renewal will be done immediately and the necessary thing about renewal will be made in the license.
What are some common queries related to Gun License?
You can find a list of common Gun License queries and their answer in the link below.
Gun License queries and its answers
Where can I get my queries related to Gun License answered for free?
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