ObGyn Personal Statement Examples

ObGyn Personal Statement Examples

Expert-written ObGyn personal statement examples will provide you with unique insight into how to craft your own statement. Learning from instruction manuals or tip lists is one thing, and a good residency application consultant can help with that, but seeing examples gives you another layer of understanding.

In fact, reading as many residency personal statement examples as you can will help you learn by example. Dissect each one, find the structure, tone, phrasing, and key elements they have in common, and see how they deftly avoid or handle red flags in residency personal statements .

Read on for our ObGyn personal statement examples, as well as some quick tips to keep in mind for how to write your own statement.

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ObGyn Personal Statement Examples

ObGyn Personal Statement Example #1

My first day on this planet was almost my last, as complications during my birth stacked up against both me and my mother, who had made the difficult decision to continue with my pregnancy, despite the risks she knew she was taking. She had to be extra careful during her pregnancy, and there were several moments during the course of my delivery when either she or I were nearly lost. I have heard the story several times, and the heroine of the story is always the “miracle-worker” ObGyn who respected my mother’s decisions throughout her pregnancy and who fought tooth and nail to see her patients through.

In short, my course was set almost as soon as I was born – perhaps even before – and I have long aspired to help with the birthing process. However, I did not always want to be a doctor. My first goal in life was to be a midwife, and in fact, I had completed the training and was interning with a local midwifery center when I decided to push myself further and go into medicine.

Wondering how to write a residency personal statement? Watch this video:

I believe that this background as a midwife-in-training gives me a strong foundation for a residency as an ObGyn. I am intimately familiar with the birthing process, and I have assisted in many births already; I continued to work with the midwives as a way of paying for medical school. Each birth is unique and special, a thing all its own, as distinctive as both the pregnancies that proceed them and the children that follow.

I appreciate all aspects of this process as well. Many people think primarily in terms of the birth, a few ultrasounds beforehand, and perhaps a prenatal class. But there is so much more to that process, including caring for patients and their health in a holistic way. Healthy women make healthy mothers, and babies are patients, too, as soon as they arrive. I feel privileged to have been a part of consultations, meetings, home visits, follow-ups, and all aspects of the midwife process. Because your program has a holistic approach to its teaching and health care, I believe that I will be a perfect fit, comfortable with your methods, and able to contribute in a meaningful way.

Of course, there is more to being an ObGyn than just concerning oneself with pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the early days of childcare. Female health is a full commitment for ObGyns and the whole health care team. At medical school, I connected with these aspects of health care on rotations with family medicine and internal medicine, as well as the occasional segue into emergency medicine.

One of my most harrowing experiences was while I was on rotation in an ER, and a young woman came in with extreme trauma. She suffered from multiple lacerations, bruises, and fractures. She was a victim of domestic abuse, and we had to spend hours just trying to stabilize her. I cried after my shift that night, not just because of the brutality of the woman’s injuries, but because the cause seemed so arbitrary and barbaric. What does this have to do with being an ObGyn? Well, this is an unfortunate, ugly side of women’s health issues, and I have firsthand knowledge now of the horrors that can complicate medicine for women.

For more advice on writing residency personal statements, check this infographic:

On the happier side, I got to check in with that patient as she recovered; continuing my appreciation for holistic health, I both witnessed and contributed to her wellbeing by offering psychological and emotional support and encouraging her to take the steps necessary in her life to move forward and receive healing in mind, body, and spirit – if such a term applies here.

There is always that knife’s edge of tragedy which lurks in medicine, and I believe this is felt nowhere more keenly than in women’s health and medicine. As an ObGyn, I am prepared and eager to help my patients in all aspects of their lives, to be vigilant and supportive, and to be the kind of person who will be there for her patients in all ways and aspects of their health care. My mother’s model was her ObGyn but not just because of one day of touch-and-go with my mother and me. No, that doctor started out as a heroine because when she told my mother of the risks of continuing with my pregnancy, she always honored my mother’s decisions: “Here is the problem, and I will help in any way you want. What would you like to do?” Helping patients always starts with that mandate and impulse: what can we do for our patients?

Your program is also very patient-oriented, and I think it’s important to keep that focus. Research is great, but our primary goal is our patients – that is my primary goal as well. We are here for them. We heal them. My experiences in the ER, as a midwife, and throughout my personal life – from my birth until now – have been teaching and preparing me for this journey, a journey I started on the first day of the rest of my life.

ObGyn Personal Statement Example #2

When I was a teenager, I felt like I was fighting a war with my body. I think a lot of teenagers feel that way, but regardless of others, it was certainly how I felt. Changes came rapidly, and I understood very few of them at the time. My school was rather backward in many ways, so I received little help, support, or guidance. Eventually, at a visit with my family doctor, I found somebody supportive and who had full, complete, satisfying answers to my questions. This is partly the reason I pursued medicine.

Your residency program has a strong focus on youth work and outreach. Recognizing that your city has underprivileged populations who are in great need of health care, you seek to provide that. This is something that I respect and why I made the decision to apply for my residency as an ObGyn specifically with you. I believe that my experiences will help me relate to patients and deliver the best care possible.

My primary goal is to work as an ObGyn, but I would also love to work with youth to give them a better sense of who they are. I want to specifically assist with programs just like yours, and so this residency is exactly where I want to be in life. Ultimately, I would want to create more programs, expand them, and provide training for other physicians to better assist and serve communities.

To some extent, I believe all medicine is community medicine because we are all part of a community, and we all serve that community. I saw this on display most prominently in my clinical rotations for family medicine, which was when I got to see the very human, everyday aspects of the health care profession. During my rotations, I learned the value of taking time with patients, making sure that they were not just looked after physically but that they felt heard and seen. I saw my supervising physician, Dr. Patel, solicit extra information from his patients – critical information to their health – just because he created space and gave them the time to talk. He never appeared rushed, and when I asked him about it, Dr. Patel said that this was partly an attitude and partly time management. He showed me those time management skills as well, and I continue to employ his rubrics to create my own oases of time that allow me to get more done throughout the day.

Women’s health has always been very important to me, and I focused on this aspect of health care in my laboratory and research work at medical school. I wanted to know more about what was missing. There are great gaps in research and understanding for female health, neglected by years of disinterest from a primarily male medical establishment. During medical school, I was fortunate enough to be included in assisting with three studies on women’s health. The one in which I played the largest role looked at how myocardial infarctions manifest differently in males and females and sought to create more efficient ways of identifying female symptoms and early warning signs. We also went around to local high schools, educating students and faculty alike on our findings, to promote more community health care.

My dual beliefs in community health care and women’s health led me to select ObGyn as my specialty, and because of my background and experiences, I believe I am ideally suited to this program. Your particular program also emphasizes teaching and building future leaders, which I am keen to learn as well. I believe your emphasis on team building and working in groups will let me quickly learn how to work within a team as well as how to lead one. My own experience with teamwork stretches back to the last two years of my undergraduate, during which my psychology and social work program focused on small groups, in addition to taking on a teaching role for ourselves, each other, and incoming classes. I carried this knowledge and method of constantly learning and teaching – indeed, often interchanging them – into medical school. Throughout medical school, I encouraged my cohorts to help each other by sharing knowledge and insights. I organized a study group, focused on this team-teaching idea. It was a success, and we were some of the most efficient studiers I have ever encountered.

Between the teaching aspect and your community outreach focus, I believe this is an excellent learning environment for me and the perfect foundation on which to build my ideal career. My passion is for community-focused medicine and teaching, and I believe my best role will be as an ObGyn, assisting young women in the community with their health care and teaching them how to gain agency in the battle for their own bodies and health.

Tips for Writing an ObGyn Personal Statement

Personal statements are the best way to introduce yourself, summarize your most relevant work and research, and state why you want to do the specific residency you are applying to. “True north” for you, while working on your personal statement, will be to constantly show why you are the perfect candidate and why their program is the perfect one for you.

Remember old adages like “show don’t tell,” and dive into your experiences and history that show you in the best light. Keep your future in mind as well; it can help to include your aspirations and why this particular residency is ideal for helping you achieve them.

But all of that is general. The ObGyn residency will require some specifics. Here is a list of the most important experience and knowledge a prospective ObGyn should have:

Additionally, you might want to include personal anecdotes or experiences in your statement. Have you ever been pregnant or been involved with someone else’s pregnancy? Do you have siblings? Have you dealt with women’s health, directly or indirectly? While few people have the actual medical knowledge, most people have encountered a person who has experienced pregnancy. Draw on some of those experiences for a more personal, even vulnerable, personal statement.


With these example statements and expert tips in mind, you will find it much easier to put your own experiences into the perfect personal statement. While you still have a long journey of writing and editing ahead of you, you can confidently continue that journey knowing that you have already taken the first steps: seeing the path that others have trod.


1. How long does my personal statement need to be?

This might change depending on the residency you are applying to. Be sure to check any rules specific to your program of choice. However, in the ERAS application, the space provided for your personal statement will allow you to write 750–900 words.

2. How long should I spend writing my statement?

We recommend you take your time with this, as you will need to write, re-write, edit, and proofread the document. You might also consider whether you need a residency application consultant to help you edit your personal statement. You can take anywhere from two to six weeks – with some time devoted to writing each day – to focus on creating your perfect statement.

3. What will an ObGyn residency program want to hear about?

An ObGyn physician will need extensive knowledge of anatomy, gynecology, and obstetrics, for a start. Having experience in these areas is optimal. Working with families, children, and mothers is also ideal. An ObGyn will also need to be very professional – you will be dealing with very sensitive examinations and procedures – but also very understanding and empathetic.

4. What goes into a personal statement?

It’s imperative to keep in mind that your personal statement will be a declaration of why you – specifically you – are the optimal person for the residency – the specific residency – that you are applying to. With that in mind, explain how your experiences, knowledge base, and personal history make you the absolute best choice for the position.

5. What never goes into a personal statement?

Generalization is your biggest enemy. What is it about the program you’re applying to that you love, that you are passionate about? What is it about you that makes you perfect? Be specific. Also be careful to avoid repeating information that can be found in other parts of your application. Avoid arrogance in your tone as well or focusing on the prestige of the school. On the other hand, red flags in your residency CV , like a low score for example, should be explained in your personal statement.

6. Which program is best for me?

Ultimately, only you can answer that question. Avoid superficial considerations, like any “rating” from a website or periodical, and instead focus on the reasons you will thrive in the residency you are applying to. Maybe they do great lab work, and you want to help with research, for example.

7. What do I do if I don’t match?

The main thing to remember is that you can learn how to improve residency application after going unmatched . In other words: don’t give in to despair; just seek more experience, maybe take or retake some classes, and try again. It will also help to identify exactly why you didn’t match. Was it grades? Was it a lack of experience? Was another residency more suitable for your skillset? Figure out why you were rejected, and you’ll have a better chance of knowing what to work on while waiting to reapply.

8. Do a couple of spelling mistakes or grammatical errors matter?

Yes, they do. You are applying to a residency, a crucial step on your way to fulfilling your dreams. Don’t risk throwing that away because you didn’t use a spell-checker.