Heads of terms and letters of intent

Kevin Manship

Heads of terms and letters of intent can save your business time and money. As commercial contract solicitors we see too many situations where, at the end of negotiations, commercial lawyers are asked to draft contracts only to find there is a fundamental 'deal breaker' issue the contracting parties can’t agree on. Business planning and early preparation using a heads of term document or letter of intent can highlight each parties’ expectations before a contract is formally draw up, saving you time and money later down the line.

In this guide we explain:

  1. What are heads of terms?
  2. Other names for heads of terms
  3. Alternatives to heads of terms
  4. What are the advantages of using heads of terms?
  5. Are heads of terms legally binding?
  6. Should heads of terms be expressed as ‘subject to contract’?
  7. Do you need a solicitor to prepare heads of terms?
  8. How do you draft heads of terms?
  9. What clauses should be put in heads of terms?
  10. Next steps and heads of terms

What are heads of terms?

‘Heads of terms’ is a very simple concept. When your business is planning on doing a deal with a third party, whether the deal relates to the lease of premises or equipment, a joint venture, a shareholder agreement, supply chain agreement or any other commercial transaction requiring the protection of a detailed contract, it’s a good idea to write down the basics of that deal in a short document.

With a heads of terms document, both you and your potential contracting partner can be sure that you are working on similar assumptions about how your planned business deal will work in practice. As an entrepreneur who knows their business, whether you are a tech company or a luxury brand, you know your ‘bottom lines’. Likewise, the other contracting party should know what they are prepared to negotiate in broad terms, leaving the fine detail and legalese for the commercial solicitor to include in the contract, based on the framework provided in the heads of terms.

It is less likely that your deal will fall through if you are agreed on the headline principles in the heads of terms. That’s because normally the detail can be negotiated and compromised by the lawyers once the big-ticket issues have been agreed in the heads of terms.

In essence, heads of terms are at the very start of your contract life cycle management and, as is the case with many things in life, get the beginning right and the rest is easy (or at least easier).

For information on commercial contracts take a look at our articles:

Other names for heads of terms

As an entrepreneur you may come across other phrases that are in essence ‘heads of terms’. Examples include:

All of the above are essentially inter changeable names for heads of terms so in this article we are keeping things simple by sticking to the terminology, ‘heads of terms’.

Alternatives to heads of terms

If you don’t want a heads of terms document then other pre-contract document may be crucial to the success of your planned business deal, such as:

What are the advantages of using heads of terms?

The advantages of using heads of terms include:

Heads of terms are advantageous in any complex contract negotiation but the only contra indicators are where:

Are heads of terms legally binding?

There is nothing more frustrating than spending time on investigations, research and negotiation and thinking that you have a deal only for the other party to pull out before the contract is signed. Commercial solicitors are asked if the problem of withdrawal can be solved by getting heads of terms drawn up at an early stage of the contracting process.

As with many things legal, there isn’t a straightforward answer as it all depends on context and circumstances. Bear in mind that in some scenarios your business may not want to commit to a contract even after extensive negotiations, either because you can see the opportunity for a better deal with another contractor or your business needs have changed. Therefore, it might be in your interests to walk away from a heads of terms, without any legal commitment.

It is best to get legal advice prior to preparing heads of terms and certainly before signing a heads of terms document. That way you know if you or the third party are entering into a binding agreement. If you need help negotiating or drafting heads of terms for any business contract then our commercial solicitors can help.

The legal position on heads of terms can get complicated as the heads of terms may be:

Confused? If so, it isn’t surprising. As a real-life example, the heads of terms could state the confidentiality and disclosure agreements and time limited exclusivity clauses are binding, and the remainder of the heads of terms is subject to contract and is not binding on both parties.

For a contract there needs to be:

Ultimately, if you cannot agree on whether the above conditions have been met in your heads of terms, the court can determine whether the heads of terms mean you are in a contractual relationship. However, commercial contract disputes and litigation is best avoided by understanding the scope of your document and making it fit for your purpose, whether that is as a negotiating aide or to commit your contracting party to a legally binding deal as soon as possible.

Should heads of terms be expressed as ‘subject to contract’?

When a heads of terms contains the words ‘subject to contract’ or ‘agreement in principle’, many entrepreneurs (and even some non-specialist solicitors) think that those words have almost magical properties and that there is no binding agreement between the parties. However, this may not necessarily be correct as it all depends on the prior negotiations and communications as all the heads of terms or some clauses in the document could amount to a binding contract.

If you do not want to be bound by the heads of terms, so you have ‘wriggle room’, then ideally the document should be headed ‘subject to contract’. That should help rebut the presumption that you intended to enter into contractual relations through use of the heads of terms. Even where a document is headed subject to contract, a contract can be formed. If you want to protect yourself from inadvertently entering into a contract, take expert legal advice.

Do you need a solicitor to prepare heads of terms?

A commercial solicitor does not have to prepare the heads of terms but it may save your business time and money to have legal input at an early stage and certainly before you sign the heads of terms. That is because if heads of terms proceed without legal advice you may miss points that would work to your advantage. In addition, your commercial solicitor may be on the back foot in trying to get some provisions included in the detailed commercial contract if there is no reference to them in the heads of terms. For example, the ability to terminate the contract on notice or the inclusion of annual inflationary price rises.

Successful entrepreneurs recognise that contract negotiation often takes a team approach. Whilst you may have the business and technical knowledge to understand whether the contents of a heads of terms is in your business' best interests, your finance director or accountant should be able to add value by advising on the financial or tax technicalities and your commercial solicitor on the legalities. That way you should end up with a commercial contract that is fit for purpose.

How do you draft heads of terms?

There is a fine art to drafting heads of terms. You do not want the document to be so brief that it is meaningless fluff but on the other hand it should not descend into detailed contractual legalese. An experienced commercial solicitor knows how to get the balance right on detail as you don’t want so much included that you are effectively writing the 50-page commercial contract. Equally you don’t want key principles left out altogether as then the other side will argue that they should not go into the contract at all as they did not form part of the heads of terms.

Practical tips on best practice in drafting any type of heads of terms (whether it is a lease, contract for the sale of goods or joint venture etc) include:

The key point about heads of terms is that it is not meant to cover everything and will be subject to change and refinement as the negotiations progress.

What clauses should be put in heads of terms?

The heads of terms document and clauses need to cover the key points, such as:

Next steps and heads of terms

Remember, approaching heads of terms as a team approach of multi-disciplinary professional advisors is likely to save you money, not just in terms of legal fees and contract drafting but in ensuring that the heads of terms are negotiated in such a way that your business gets the best out of the deal.

About our expert

Kevin Manship

Kevin Manship

Senior Commercial Solicitor

Kevin joined the commercial team at Harper James in 2022 and brings over 20 years’ experience working in private practice on a range of commercial matters.