Keeping Children Safe

Baby girl with hands in the arm.

Children of all ages need adults to help keep them safe. They are naturally curious and learn through exploring the world around them. As children learn through play, they can get hurt. But there are steps families can take to protect their children from serious injury when accidents happen.

These helpful resources from Safe Kids Worldwide cover a range of topics, from water safety and gun safety to keeping children safe from burns and carbon monoxide poisoning or while riding bikes, skateboards, and scooters:

The next sections provide safety resources by topic area.

Child Safety in the Home

For children younger than 5 years old, most injuries occur in or around the home. Families can reduce or prevent the risk of injury by removing hazards so children can safely explore the world around them. Learn more about keeping your child safe at home with these resources.

Child-Proofing Your Home

Preventing Choking

Children younger than 5 years old are at greatest risk for choking while eating. Here are some resources to help you prevent choking.

Preventing Poisoning

Every day, hundreds of children in the United States ages 0 to 19 years are treated in an emergency room because they ingested something poisonous. Lots of things around your home can be potentially poisonous, such as household cleaners, alcohol, lead paint, and medicine. Active, curious children will often investigate—and sometimes try to eat or drink—anything that is left out and within their reach. By knowing the risks, you can help keep kids safe.

Here are some resources to protect your child from accidental poisoning.

Child Safety While Outside

Outdoor spaces offer children opportunities to explore and learn about the world around them. At the same time, many hazards exist outdoors that can be serious risks to children. Here are some resources you can use to keep your child safe while outside.

Mom and child walking outside.

Girl with helmet riding bicycle.Child Safety While on the Go

Check out these tips for keeping your child safe on the go.

Child Car Seat Safety

Stuffed animal in <a href=strapped in carseat." width="383" height="255" />

To keep children safe while traveling in a car, make sure your child has the right car or booster seat based on their age, height, and weight.